The Labour Relations Act provides for the self-regulation of Industries through the medium of centralised bargaining within Bargaining Councils. NBCEI is a Bargaining Council as envisaged in the Act whose mission is to create and maintain industrial peace and stability in the Electrical Industry.

- Is a behind-the-meter non-profit quality assurance organisation that aims to promote the adoption of renewable energy throughout Africa by reducing stakeholder and end-user risk and unlocking finance into the sector.
- Is a conduit for renewable energy trade, data and installations throughout Africa.
- Aims to keep industry informed on market trends, latest technologies, applicable standards, growth and best practice.

The ECA(SA) is the most influential members’ association for electrical contractors in South Africa. Registered in terms of the Labour Relations Act, the ECA(S)A has represented South African electrical contractors since 1948 and is firmly established as the ‘home’ of trusted electrical contractors. The ECA(SA) has a membership network of around 4 000 electrical contractors, which employs around 75% of the workforce employed within the electrical contracting industry.